Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sick, sick, sick

Toddler is sick. Baby is sick. Baby is over 6 months old and can't handle solids. They both have head and chest colds. Twice Toddler has soothed her sore throat with a long, long feed, then coughed herself sick. Once Baby has coughed herself sick.

Nights are getting harder. I'm alone in the night with both children, because I'm visiting my mother. Toddler wakes homesick and ill and cries, whinges, shouts and kicks - this wakes Baby. They both object to the other being breastfed in the night, though neither expresses any disgruntlement during the day. We're all in one room, which is likely to be part of the problem.

The night before last I started to shake Toddler. PMS and my own illness and a screaming Toddler waking a previously peaceful Baby was too much for me. I'd wean her if it wasn't that weaning would make life more difficult in the short term.

I'm so so tired of this. She's two years and 10 months old now. Baby is six months old. Sometimes I love feeding them, together and seperately, and sometimes I'm just too tired and I hate them both.

Perhaps it's PMS - my cycle appears to be coming back on a 7-days-of-21 routine which I can't handle either.

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