Friday, October 20, 2006

O god make it stop

Tandem nursing is all about that blissful time in the middle of the night when I hear crying - or yelling demands, usually - and I crawl into Toddler's bed and pretend it's just the two of us again. I feed her and she rolls over and spoons into me and we snuggle up until Baby wakes me a few hours later needing a feed. It's probably the most satisfying sleep I get all the brief night (midnight to six am is night, at present).

It's also one of the few parenting issues I'm proud of at the moment. And I'm certain it has made the adjustment to a new sibling easier. If Toddler is annoyed that I'm feeding Baby, I just offer her milk too. Sorted. The rest of the time, Baby is relegated to the sling, which she gullibly believes to be a reward, and Toddler gets all my shattered, blear-eyed attention.

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